Monday, March 1, 2010

Today is my lucky day!

These are the items I ordered from Miniature Cabin Decor plus the wonderful tin star that came as a gift. I love everything!
In addition to that package, I got a surprise package from Gaye. I sent her a small gift shortly after Christmas and she made me all of these wonderful goodies for the cabin as a thank you. I think I got the better end of the deal. :-)
Here is one view of the cabin with all of the new items in place.
Another view.
The tool box Gaye made for James. I'm going to have to do some research on period tools to fill the box for him.

Some days getting the mail is so much fun!


  1. De, your cabin is so awesome. I think I would like to move in- there are lots of days I think the world would be better with less technology. Love all the new items!!

  2. What wonderful items! I have a punched tin little lamp and a bear sign from Cabin Decor! I'm just jealous that your cabin is nearly don and mine is hardly built yet! Wah!


  3. What a lovely surprise great items for the cabin!!!
    I really like the butter churn is that what that is? One has to have a flagon


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