Wednesday, March 10, 2010

When you can't find what you want...

...sometimes you've just got to make it yourself. I couldn't find a printie for a refrigerator I liked. I also couldn't find any for white cabinets. The solution was to download photos of the real things and turn them into half scale printies. They are far from perfect but I got just the look I wanted so I'm happy. Plus they look more realistic than purchased ones (except they don't open) and I spent less than a dollar rather than the $20 the purchased set would have cost me.


  1. Haha! Clever solution! The stove looks especially convincing.

  2. So pretty! I don't understand how you did this, but it looks GREAT!

  3. The stove is from I just embellished it. The cabinets and refrigerator are my design.

    Kathi, I will see if I can transfer the printie images to blogger. The program I used is not always cooperative, lol.

  4. The kitchen looks fantastic De!

  5. Thanks, Kim. BTW, I mailed your suitcase yesterday. :)


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