Thursday, April 15, 2010

Sometimes you're just not happy...

Every time I walked past Eddie in my craft room, I felt like something was missing. His face just didn't have any depth. So today I finally did something about it. I added some color washes to his face to highlight the lines and wrinkles on his face. I also added a five o'clock shadow.
Both were simple additions but I'm pleased with the finished look now. Maybe he'll quit yelling at me every time I walk past now, lol.

Tomorrow I'm off to Anderson, Indiana for a Junior High worship retreat. Our church is taking 35 kids and there will be around 1500 total. Always a great spiritual renewal for me and a lot of fun, too. I'm leaving tomorrow morning and won't be back till Saturday night. I'll check back in then. Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. Enhorabuena, lo has dejado todavia mas real!!!!
    Pasate un fin de semana genial, seguro que con tantos niƱos no tendras tiempo de aburrirte.
    besitos ascension

  2. i think he is looking quite pleased now but he keeps looking at you De, lol
    Have a lovely time!!!!

  3. Love his new "shadow"! Have a wonderful time at the retreat De!

  4. I have an award over at my blog for you!


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