Friday, May 14, 2010

Garage Sale Finds

My daughter and I had a wonderful afternoon checking out area garage sales today. We fired up the GPS and went exploring! This stack is the stuff I purchased with mini purposes is mind. The wine crate will become "something" once I get inspired. I found windows and various wood pieces. The little black and white lighthouse has a red and white twin.

I also purchased some books, a pair of baskets and a new Swiffer to replace mine (it's been held together with duck tape for a long time, lol.)

My daughter found a blender, some shoes, drinking glasses, antique canning jars to use in her bathroom, a board game and a large 2 section crate to use as bathroom storage.

We took a break to enjoy some ice cream, too. It was a perfect day!


  1. Sounds like you had fun. I think the hunt is most of the thrill. ;)

    Oh, what are you going to do with those wood pieces?

    They remind me of something...

  2. Great that you found some goodies and had a wonderful day with your daughter.


  3. Thank you both!

    Dale, I don't yet have a specific project in mind.Which pieces reminded you of something? The finials will make nice vases and urns when properly painted.

  4. I think that the finials remind me of apothecary jars? you know, like at an old time drug store?

    Vases and urns, definitely! :)

  5. Habeis conseguido cosas preciosas!!!
    Seguro que lo habeis pasado genial tu hija y tu.
    besitos ascension

  6. Yoy have made a good shop. Yoy certainly had fun.

  7. I read about such a nice findings with great pleasure, I wish we had garage sales in Poland...
    Hugs from here:)))


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