Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Garden produce


I spent some time in the garden today and brought in our first harvest. I got the garden planted late and we had very hot and wet weather so the first lettuce is a little late. Still yummy, though!


  1. De, this looks fresh and delicious! We don't have lettuce but one very healthy sqash plant (the other died for some reason), some not-very-healthy looking tomato plants, a cucumber plant and some pumpkin vines. It gets so hot here, we have to keep everything watered well!


  2. We've had a lot of rain this summer. I'm surprised that more of my seeds didn't wash away. I planted tomatoes, peas, winter squash, zucchini, beets, eggplant, green beans, lettuce, spinach, radishes and carrots. It was too hot for the spinach and the carrot seed must have washed out but everything else looks good so far.

  3. Hmmmm, it looks delicious! It is always more yummy if it is from your own garden!

    Thanks also for the link to make the baskets...I love baskets and never can have enough mini baskets,haha! I sure will give it a try!


  4. oh yum De! Looks delicious! I had spinach from my garden in my omlette the other day and it was so delicious- I wish the summer months lasted longer!

  5. Home grown is just the best. I can't wait to get out jungle cleared so I can have a small veggie patch.


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