Saturday, June 26, 2010

I had a lovely surprise!

Yesterday my husband took me out for a wonderful afternoon and evening. He planned the day and only told me how I should dress. We started with a trip to a local winery, Satek. We've been saying we wanted to go for years and now we have. We tried several wines and purchased several bottles. We want to go back on a weekend in the fall for the tour of the vineyard and wine making facility. We shopped a little and then had dinner at The Captain's Cabin, a wonderful restaurant overlooking Clear Lake. Dinner was very good and the desserts were amazing. Mark's been working a lot of hours and has been out of town for the past week so the chance to reconnect and just enjoy each others company was much needed and appreciated.

Wishing all of you a wonderful weekend!


  1. What a lovely surprise! I'm glad that the storm damage was not great in your area.Have a happy weekend!

  2. Sounds wonderful!!!

    Glad no one got hurt during the storm:)


  3. Thank you!

    The more I'm out and about and see the number of trees that were downed, the more I'm amazed that there were no serious injuries. More storms predicted for today and tonight. Hopefully, nothing too severe.

  4. Two thumbs UP to your hubby! Sound like a great day!
    Take care and "hunker down" as they say in Florida when the hurricanes come!


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