Wednesday, July 28, 2010

And now for a little shabby chic

A miniaturist friend of mine is dealing with some health issues. I made these as a gift to cheer her up.
The shelves are lined with a little lace paper.
The comforter was all hand quilted.
I'm very happy with how the painting turned out. The roses were painted with a very simple technique. Dab on a dot of the darker paint, pick up a drop of a lighter shade on a toothpick and swirl the colors together. Very easy and quite effective.

The armoire is a Michael's hutch. The bed was made from a kit that came with one of my dollhouses. I had originally stained it so I sanded it down before painting it roughly with cream paint. After painting the floral design (and letting it dry thoroughly) I lightly brushed on an antiquing gel. I finished with a satin varnish. I left the inside of the armoire/hutch the pure cream color.


Thank you for stopping by. Your comments are greatly appreciated!