Friday, July 30, 2010

A lucky garage sale find

I have my mom's childhood tin lithograph dollhouse. For the past 4 years I've been working on repairing or replacing the furniture I remember from when she let us play with it. I've been looking for this Ideal bedroom set with the blue bedspread for all 4 years. Today I found it at a garage sale just down the road from my house. I probably paid more than I should have but I was so excited to find it that I didn't really care. :) My mom's dresser had drawers that really open and this one doesn't but it is in excellent condition with the original cardboard backing. The bed is missing the top pieces of the posts on the headboard but that's a fairly common problem. I'm so happy to have finally found these!

I also purchased a couple of cardboard cigar boxes to use for future rooms. For a quarter each I couldn't pass them up - even if I do prefer the wooden ones.


  1. This room looks good. I like the windows. are the curtains painted on the tin? They are cute. The green design above the window looks like art deco.

  2. So happy for your great garage sale find no matter what you pay it's worth it to YOU! I know I get so I will pay for what I really want..unless it's way out there then I pray for another oppertunity and wait and prayers do get answered!

  3. Thank you!

    The window treatments are lithographed onto the walls.

    I did some ebay research last night and I really didn't pay too much given the great condition so I'm really excited now! :)


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