Thursday, July 1, 2010


I couldn't bring myself to document the awful mess of the "before" but you can actually see the floor in the "after." These two shelf units were made from parts of my daughter's bed. The shelf on the right was the headboard. The space at the bottom is perfect for storing my shipping boxes. The red basket on the floor holds bubble wrap, packing peanuts and tissue for wrapping items. The shelf on the left was made from the three drawers that were under her bed. I removed the knobs and glued the drawers together. It works really well for my beads.
The blue tub is full of miscellaneous wood scraps. My daughter and I sorted through all of it and it's semi organized now, although you can't tell by looking, LOL. At least I know what I have now.
This photo is just to show that I did find the floor. That corner behind the desk chair is a project for another day.


  1. You figured out my secret....I clean before taking the messy photos.LOL

  2. Doesn't if feel good to clean things up- even if you know it won't last too long? Looks great....I have that same bucket of wood- I hesitate to throw any little scrap away now :) Have a great weekend De!!

  3. Well... now that you've dismantled her bed she can't come back!

    It's so wonderful to have a craft room. Enjoy! :)

  4. Well, I gave her a better bed so she's still here, lol.

  5. Well, I was kinda surprised you were booting her, didn't sound like you! lol


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