Monday, July 19, 2010

Welcome to 3 new followers! Wait, make that 4!

Please say hello to Eva Krog, JRB Creations, and Margaret of My Petit Parterre. If you click on the links you will find beautiful little animals at JRB Creations and a floral shop in the making at My Petit Parterre. Margaret also has some lovely inspirational photos of real shops and gardens. Stop by and visit both blogs. I promise you won't be disappointed. :) (Eva, if you have a blog or website you'd like me to link to please comment.)

Please also welcome Piikko of Sopokatu. She's currently blogging about the vacation swap many of you participated in.

Update: Check out Eva's blog, Eva's Miniature Hobby. She's currently featuring some beautiful tomato plants.

1 comment:

  1. Tak for velkomsten!
    Jeg har en blog:

    Jeg håber I vil kigge forbi!

    Hilsen Eva


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