Monday, August 16, 2010

And so it begins...

This was today's project - a piano and stool for the saloon. I got the pattern for the piano from a book about making Victorian miniatures. It's made of cardboard, clothespins, chopsticks, a wooden flower, various wood scraps, and some gold cord. The keyboard is a printie.

I think the piano looks just beat up enough to look at home in a saloon.

Now I'm off to ebay to see whether I won the auction for Brimble's Mercantile. Wish me luck!


  1. Oh DE! You always amaze me with your quick skills! What a neat piano!! Yea!! Like the flower and the rope detail!

  2. Impresionante el resultado que has conseguido, te ha quedado espectacular.
    Besitos, May

  3. This looks great De! Really clever. I agree - it'll be perfect for your saloon!

  4. Holy cow De- I would never guess this is made from all of that! It looks fabulous- I love all the little details- it's going to be the shining star of your saloon!


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