Tuesday, August 17, 2010

From spittoons to tables

The spittoons are pieces cut from decorative spindles. I layered a couple of paint colors to get a brass look.
This is not the wallpaper I'm planning to use. It will be a red but something more Victorian looking. The tables were made with margarine tub lids, spindles, cardboard and various wood scraps. I still need to put a final coat of sealer on them but they've been painted and antiqued. I want them to look well used.

I am having fun making things with what I have on hand. Many of the accessories are going to have to be purchased so the more I can save now, the better.


  1. I just love all of your ideas. Love the tables and spittoons...very creative and you use what you have.

  2. Thank you, Kim. My favorite part of mini-ing is using what I have to make what I want.

  3. La imaginacion a poder!!!!
    Estas haciendo verdaderas maravillas y todo reciclado, enhorabuena.
    besitos ascension

  4. De these are wonderful! I'm really enjoying logging into blogger and finding your new creations! They look great. What's next?! i'm desperate to know! haha


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