Saturday, August 28, 2010

Saloon Art

Last night's mini project was artwork. I had already drawn the requisite bar nude - originally she was completely nude but since most of the pictures I saw only were artfully draped I gave her a waist to hip drape. This was drawn with chalk pencils so the details are very soft. Next time I'd use a regular pencil to sketch in facial features, I think. Next to the nude is a portrait of Rose. I photoshopped a pic to make it look like a painting and then made a layered frame with cardboard and gold cord. Next is a miniaturized photo of my family on a vacation to Mackinac. I'm the Miss Rose character, the girls are saloon girls and hubby and son are cowboys. The photo is framed in a beautiful jewelry finding I found at JoAnn Fabrics. The bottom two items are internet prints. I did some editing on the first one. It's a sign to remind cowboys to leave their guns at the bar. I was excited to see this since I had already decided that the sheriff was going to be the only one allowed to carry his gun in the saloon. The last thing is a standard wanted poster. It will be posted somewhere on the exterior of the building. I'll need something for the walls in the billiard room upstairs but I need to wait until I have a better idea of the wall space there.


  1. I love the art work and the saloon, great job!

  2. Thank you! I can't wait until the saloon actually has a permanent home. Construction on the Brimble will be starting next week. Woohoo!

  3. Esos detalles quedaran geniales en tu fantastico salon.
    besitos ascension


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