Monday, August 30, 2010

Saloon update

I was looking through vacation photo albums and found the family photo (that I originally had in this frame) in a wanted poster mat. Perfect! I scanned it and resized it to make another wanted poster for the exterior of the saloon. That left me with an empty frame but never fear - I had another photo for it. This is hubby, me, my SIL and my BIL back when we were young parents. We took an overnight trip to Cedar Point in Sandusky, OH without children. These are the only two saloon pics I have. Mark and I had another one of these taken in Victorian era clothing, very prim and proper. That one is miniaturized and framed and hangs in my Victorian Cottage.

Turning the frame also allows for a larger horizontal photo. I can actually recognize the people in the picture now, lol.
Last night I made a stovepipe for this woodstove salt shaker. The saloon starts to get chilly in the autumn evenings. The tile board under the stove was cut from a cardboard label. The pattern was very boldly colored so I antiqued over it and glued the cardboard to a piece of copper to give it some weight and a nice border.

I'm hoping to start the Brimble tomorrow. My son's not doing too well today and I'm taking him in for an IV this afternoon. He should feel better and be back to school tomorrow and I can play. I'm getting anxious to see how everything fits together.

Wishing you all a wonderful week!


  1. De - I absolultly love the use of the pictures and the frame!! I never thought of using those but I know my family has some... I'll have to get them to find them! Hope your son feels better soon. -ara

  2. So clever to use your pictures this way, it makes the saloon so much more personal. Best wishes to your son, i hope he feels better.

  3. De, The picture is perfect for your saloon and the stove cute!!! healing thoughts to your little one. Can't wait to see what you do next.

    Victoria :)

  4. I like the new picture in the frame- you're right, turning it makes the picture more visible- and how fun to have the other picture on the wanted poster! I also hope your son feels better soon! I can't wait to see it all come together in the actual building!

  5. Thank you all for the positive comments and the get well wishes for my son.

    Victoria, he's my "baby" but he's no longer a little one. He's taller than me at 17. :) He has a chronic health issue that makes his daily life a bit challenging.


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