Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The trade

These are the overstuffed chairs I made for my friend, Brenda, in exchange for the saloon girl she's making for me. I think I'm getting the best end of the deal. :) I do hope she likes the chairs, though. She sent me the fabric. I think it's so pretty. It's a very dark red with cream and brown (I think - can't tell for sure if it's brown, black or gray) leaves.

The chair on the right wasn't completely dry when I took the photos. The embroidery thread piping still shows wet glue. It's looking pretty good now, though. ;0)


  1. They turned out beautiful De- I think she'll love them ♥

  2. Thank you so much, Kim. You are always so encouraging!

  3. I love the fabric too De! I think you did a great job of making they look comfy! Those are what I call snuggle-up-and-read chairs!! -ara


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