Sunday, August 1, 2010


Please help me welcome two new followers. They are Kim @ Fairytale Cottage and Anything Miniature. If either of you have blogs or websites that you would like me to link please comment on this post. Thank you for stopping by!

PS Shellby at Anything Miniature has just started her blog. Please pay her a visit!


  1. Hi there De!

    Thank you for such a warm welcome :D

    I'm new to this blogging business myself, but have been reading your blog for some time! Infact, your ceiling design has inspired me a lot, and I plan to go to Homebase tomorrow to find some paper so I can steal your idea!

    I have my own blog, yes. Although not particularly fantastic, at the moment, as I've only had it running since Friday.. i think??

    But here's a link anyway

    Thanks again!

    Shellby x

  2. You are very welcome, Shelby. I love to share ideas and see how others use them so please share your results with the ceiling paper. :)


Thank you for stopping by. Your comments are greatly appreciated!