Wednesday, September 1, 2010

A bit more progress on the saloon

You're all gonna laugh at me but I'm enjoying taking this project a bit more slowly than I usually work. (See you're all laughing now because you don't think I am working slowly. :) ) Normally by this stage in a project I'd just plow through and finish the construction but I'm just working on a few details at a time. This afternoon I played with the chandeliers I bought earlier and I put up the border and baseboard in the lower level. I don't have any regular dollhouse baseboard right now so I just used skinny sticks so I could even the bottom edges. To be truly accurate I would need much taller base trim but I'm using what I have.
Also, I didn't show you a pic of the ceiling yesterday. Here it is complete with the new lighting. I used embossed scrapbook paper and painted it antique copper and then dry brushed bright bronze over the top. It looks very elegant and just right with the wallpaper.

Each of the chandeliers had some problem. One has been badly repaired and the other was missing the bottom trim. I added some beads to the base of the one missing the trim and then I painted both chandeliers with sterling silver paint. I added bead globes to both and hung them from eye hooks in the ceiling. They aren't an exact match but the paint kind of disguises that.

I also made a coordinating table lamp for the top of the piano. Late last night I added a floral embossed button to the center of the back bar trim. It needed just a little something. It's all really coming together!


  1. Did I miss your post about the bar?!!! It looks amazing! I'm going to need something like that for my Flamingo Inn. Did you build it yourself? The glassware really sparkles on the shelves! Looks great!

  2. Thanks, Kathi! The post is the first one for Sept. 1 - I posted after midnight last night. I used a kit for a grocery shelf that came with the Brimble kit. I just made a lot of alterations to it to get the back bar look I wanted. I think any open backed shelf could be altered to work.

  3. I forgot to say that the glassware is mostly just beads. Some of them are ground down lite brite pegs and a few are mugs I made by cutting clear ink pen tubes and adding handles. Only the large mug I purchased today is an actual store bought cup. I know you love beads so you shouldn't have too much trouble stocking your shelves, lol.

  4. De- the ceiling is fab!! I like how the chandeliers turned out too- and you are correct- I am laughing that you think you are going slow! Slow is how I've been proceeding lately :) I think this is one of my favorite projects you have done- Rose's pic looks great over the piano too!

  5. Thank you, Kim! My favorite is always whatever I'm currently working on, lol.


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