Thursday, September 2, 2010

A day of play leads to much progress

This is the back bar installed and stocked. I added the row of bottles lying on their sides last night. (under the mirror) The photo is finally clear enough for you to see the "stained glass" effect on the mirror.
I'm catching a cold or something and am not feeling very well. So I gave myself permission to work on the saloon all day. I made one major mistake that's going to create some future challenges. The upstairs back wall is flipped. I spent forever piecing the wallpaper together from the leftovers, glued it on and painted the exterior side. Then when I went to put it on I realized it isn't a mirror image and my tabs didn't line up. I sliced off the tabs and glued them into their slots and glued the wall on as it is. The problem will come when it's time to put the soffit on because it isn't going to fit as is. I'll make it work, though. Plus my Brimble will be different from all the others. ;) There is not a single photo straight on into the side of the building so I'm having to guess how some things are supposed to go. The instructions leave a lot to be desired.
Here's the beginning of the entrance. I have paint to touch up. There's no baseboard on this wall because I don't know how the window trim fits yet.
This view is the porch side looking in. I can't wait to see how the porch looks once it's finished. I have to make a decision about the doors at some point. The opening is too large for purchased saloon doors. The kit comes with two full length doors with "glass." I'm not sure if I can alter those doors and I don't know if I have the ability to make saloon doors from scratch. As my hubby says - I'll have to ponder that for awhile.


  1. Love your bottles and glasses on the back bar. LOL on clear instructions been there done that. I think you need saloon doors. This is going to be so neat, can't wait to see this complete.

    Victoria :)

  2. Wow, you have gotten a lot finished..looking good!!
    Feel better soon....Kim

  3. Thank you both so much!

    Victoria, I'm still thinking about how to make the saloon doors. I have the tools to make straight cuts but I'm not sure about the curves of the saloon doors.


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