Friday, September 3, 2010

Fun with wallpaper...and other stuff

This is another variation of the same wallpaper element I used for the other panels. I've just been cutting at different points to vary the borders and make the elements fit in the areas I'm putting them. It's sort of floral-like so it fits Rose's theme. I've used this same bit cut from the scraps of my real kitchen ceiling paper to make tin ceilings in my Victorian dollhouses.

I'm still thinking about the saloon doors. I might be able to cut them from foamcore board or heavy cardboard. I have some bass wood if I can cut the pattern out with a craft knife (without doing any damage to myself, lol.) I really need to get a jeweler's saw for cutting curves.

I got the porch posts sanded, painted and installed. I'm not sure what I'm doing for the roof. I really hate shingling.


  1. Love the porch De! i wish you lived near by I would cut out your doors with my scroll saw. Your saloon is really coming together great.

    Victoria :)

  2. Re shingling: I used some corrogated scrapbooking cardstock that I found at the local Dollar store. Painted silver with some "rust" streaks at the ends, it looks just like an old tin roof.
    You can see it here:
    hugs Karin

  3. Thanks for the tip, Karin. Your roof looks great!


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