Monday, September 27, 2010

Harriet has her own ideas

Now that Harriet has been settled in and actually working in her kitchen she decided it was time to make some adjustments. First she wanted some more cabinet space because there just wasn't enough storage. So we found a smaller scale hutch in the drawer and reworked it - took the shelves off and added a bottom to that unit and hung it on the wall. We turned the base upside down, added a new top and bead feet. Then Harriet added some gingham to the doors and at the back of the shelves. Looks great and added the much needed storage. Putting the cupboards in place made the cooker look out of place so that was moved to the opposite wall. Once the green and white cabinet was sitting next to the new cabinets the green looked awful. So out came the blue metallic paint to cover the green. The kitchen is once again functional and Harriet is very happy. She doesn't get grumpy very often but when she is it's best to just do what she asks, lol. The boarders much appreciate it, anyway. ;)


  1. Good for Harriet! She deserves an efficient kitchen with all of the boarders that will be there. The kitchen looks great. She's so lucky she has you to help her out ;)

  2. I would work happily in Harriet's kitchen--even doing the dreaded ironing looks fun in such a sweet blue and white space. I DO wish that real kitchen makeovers could be done so quickly!

    You are amazing me with the progress on this house, De. WOW! Fast work!

  3. Harriet looks happy with the improvements! :)


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