Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Hubby's away and I spent the day in play

I made this dresser to match the other furniture. The basic structure is a Dove soap box. The drawers were made with leftover logs from my log cabin.
I finished the upper hall wallpaper last night. By using a solid I could keep the better parts of the existing wallpaper. The mirror is a scrapbook sticker and the table is part of a House of Miniatures table kit. It's really cool. The table is made of three separate parts so you can use them all together, each independently or put the half rounds together to form a round table. I used each piece separately.
The blue bedroom needs a lot of accessories. The furniture turned out well, though. The brass headboard was made with the plastic leftover from a couple of Chrysnbon kits. The desk was made with part of a Michael's hutch and some other miscellaneous bits. I need to make a chair to match and fill the shelves. This boarder is the music/band teacher at the local high school. He also plays in a local orchestra. There's a piece of classical sheet music on the desk and his French horn is on the bed.
The master bedroom needs to be personalized a bit, too. There are family photos on the wall, a basket for the cat on the floor and the slightly worn rocking chair that the children and grandchildren were rocked to sleep in. On the other side of the bed is a table I made for a nightstand. I'll post a photo tomorrow of it -it's really pretty. :)
I made big progress on this room today. The tables are part of the HOM kit I mentioned earlier. The sofa is another House of Miniatures kit. I used my fabric instead of the solid blue that comes with the kit. After making the sofa, I used the pattern outlines to make a chair from foam core board. The table between the sofa and chair is a Chrysnbon kit. On the short wall next to the fireplace is a radio. The fireplace surround was made completely from scratch with a mishmash of wood bits. I added the columns today. I probably need an area rug, maybe a coffee table, accessories, and at least 4 chairs for the dining table. So, including the desk chair, I need to make at least 5 chairs. You all know how I feel about making chairs, lol.

I need ideas for items to put in the blue room for the music teacher. He must have some other hobbies - he has put a world map over his bed so maybe he's interested in travel. I should also make some folded shirts and trousers for the shelves in his armoire.

The master bedroom armoire has a hanging rod. I need to make some mini dresses to hang in it.

Oh, and I've made a decision. I think I'll name the lady who rents the pink room Sandra or Sandy. I've called Harriet, "Harriet" since I made her. Sandra just doesn't fit her but she's perfect for the boarding house owner.


  1. Ohhh¡¡¡ Te está quedando muy bonita¡¡¡La escalera me ha encantado.Un saludo

  2. OMG the Dresser is a dove soap box!Get out of town!!

    you are so creative and clever!

    I love coming here I learn so much!

    Marisa :)

  3. wow De- you're working on another house already! I've got to go catch up on your blog! I love the couch and chair- they are beautiful! Everything looks really good.


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