Saturday, September 11, 2010

A new doll!

Remember those two dark red chairs I made last week? They were my part of a trade I did with my friend, Brenda. This beautiful doll is what she made in return. I named her Pansy and put one in her hair. So we have Rose, Daisy and Pansy. I need to get some more cowboys in the saloon. At this point there's more employees than customers, lol.She's so dainty looking. I have to think of her story and how she came to work at A Rose Among Thorns.
Her long curls are so pretty. I just tucked the pansy next to the feather Brenda had put in her hair.

I'm so excited!


  1. She is beautiful! She looks like she may have lost just as she got west her family and that's the only job she could get. No other job for a refined lady. (she went to a quality school in the East part of the country). Just how I see her.

  2. I was thinking along the lines of orphan so your idea would fit right in with that. Thank you!

  3. Que preciosa muñeca la de Brenda, quedara perfecta en tu salon.
    besitos ascension

  4. I love your idea of a saloon bar everything looks great and your doll is so pretty

  5. she's beautiful De! What a wonderful addition to your saloon!


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