Sunday, September 19, 2010

The new house!

The exterior color is much more green than it appears in the photo. It's close to a seafoam.
I look a little demonic in this pic - hubby says I just look ecstatic, lol. I got the interior cleaned this afternoon and figured out which wallpapers are salvageable - everything on the third floor, the master bedroom/bath on the second, and the living room on the first. Unfortunately, the two hallways with the stairs both have to be repapered. I am not looking forward to that at all!
This will be the color scheme. Hubby helped with choosing the colors. I think it will be very pretty - just don't know what colors will go where yet.

Oh, and this house is going to be a boarding house, post WWII. The original builder of the house, Sandy, died unexpectedly in a car accident. I'm going to name the homeowner Sandra in her memory.


  1. Lucky you De. You look so happy. A boarding house will be perfect for this house.

    Victoria ♥

  2. Hi! lovely doll's house and your blog!
    I like it :)


  3. Beautifull house! Sad story about Sandy's car accident, but I'm sure she would be very happy that her house belongs to the person with real miniature passion.
    Hugs from Alienora

  4. What a beautiful house. It's so thoughtful of you to commemorate Sandy, it makes the house even more special then it is already.

  5. What a nice big house! I love the colors you've chosen. Especially the turquoise, lime and white. My favorites. :D
    Great photos of you too! Love your smile!

  6. So, De, I'm assuming it will be done by Thursday!!

    Lovely house. I am sure it will be gorgeous when it is done.



  7. What a great house and its lovely and big too i bet you'll have fun with this

  8. that will be a lovely tribute, I'm sure she's looking down at you and smiling.

  9. LOVE the "demonic"'s too cute! Love love love the house and can't wait to see your progress! you really think it will take her all the way to Thursday to finish? LOL =)

  10. It's a beautiful house. I'm looking forward to seeing how you decorate the interior.

  11. It is sad that Sandy couldn't finish her house, but comforting that there will always be someone to take over. It is especially lovely that you have kept her a part of it. :~)

    How did it come to you?

  12. A very lovely house. The theme is great.

  13. Thank you all.

    Christine, Sandy was able to finish her house and she enjoyed it for many years. Her cousin inherited it but didn't have room for it. Her daughter is a teammate of mine on etsy. It turns out that I live just a couple of hours from her mom who was giving the house away to someone who would love it and fix it up again. I am so excited and I'm really enjoying this project!


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