Saturday, September 25, 2010

Welcome friends!

I've been a bad host and gotten way behind in welcoming our new friends. Thank you all so much for stopping by!
Rosella of ilsalottodellerose - Rosella has minis and needlework posts - all of it is beautiful!
Berri Jones - I don't find a link for Berri
Julita of Villa Caroliina - Julita's blog is fairly new. Stop by and see her dollhouse under construction.
Pepi_mali - I don't find a link
Jenya of Knotty by Nature - Jenya is working on a lovely dollhouse and a Petite Blythe doll just moved in
Rosa Maria of Illustratus - Stop in to see some interesting contemporary art
mini-babies - No link information
Julia & - I think they must have a blog based on the profile information but I couldn't find a link
beckynot - Rebecca doesn't have a blog but you can visit her etsy shop here -

As always, please stop by and visit. Thank you all for following!

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