Saturday, September 4, 2010


Please help me welcome my 200th follower, Sara Scales of Minidreamz. Sara just learned to crochet a few months ago and she's already making minis. Wow!

I want to have to giveaway to thank you for following my ramblings. I don't know what to make, though. Please leave a comment with a suggestion for what my giveaway should be. If you make a suggestion you will get your name in the drawing twice. If I use your suggestion you will be entered 3 times. This drawing is only for my followers, though, so you won't be entered if you aren't a follower.

1 comment:

  1. ciao... che fortunella la tua 200 seguace a ricevere un tuo premio :-) io adoro le tue creazioni e sarei felice di ricevere delle piccole piantine dei mobiletti, insomma tutte le tue piccole creature!!! baci


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