Thursday, October 28, 2010

The results

It isn't perfect but I purchased this fabric with the intention of making a sofa. I used a bit of it for the dining chair cushions in the boarding house but it wasn't the best choice for the living room there. This sofa was not made from a kit. I used thin wood for the base and back, foam core for the arms and cushions, a bit of quilt batting for padding, and skinny sticks for the legs. I glued 2 together to form the leg pieces and used a single layer for the stretchers. I don't really have any plans for it but I needed to do something mini to get the ideas flowing again.

I also need to stock up on Michael's hutches again. I use them for so many things other than hutches. Home office cabinets, fireplaces, windows, benches, kitchen cabinets, just to name a few. The boarding house used up the last of my miscellaneous minis, too. I think I may have to hit a couple of craft stores soon to stock up. Gee, that's too bad. ;-)


  1. I think I have that material also. Your couch looks great. Our Michel's around here doesn't have the hutches. At least they didn't have them when I was in there a couple of weeks ago. They seemed to cut their wood section down.

  2. OH! A stock-up trip! That would be so FUN.
    I love the little green sofa. Could you make a human-sized one just like it for my living room?:)The fabric is JUST what I'm looking for.
    Can't wait for inspiration to strike for you again soon!

  3. Lovely sofa De! Glad to see you back to mini making. A stock-up trip should get you going strong. It sure does that for me! :D


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