Thursday, October 21, 2010

See, I really am knitting!

I just learned to knit last winter so this blanket is not going to be very complicated. It's my first time using circular needles and they are wonderful for wide projects. This will be a small blanket for snuggling in the recliner this winter. It's just simple knitting in creams and browns. The stripes will add interest rather than a variety of stitches.

I'm still waiting for inspiration for minis. I have been working on the fireplace swaps but I haven't started any big projects. In the meantime, I'm enjoying all of your blogs. I'm sure one of your lovely projects will soon inspire me. :)


  1. Well done! Knitting's great - very soothing, and you get a lovely cosy result :) Love the colours!!

  2. Thank you, Glenda! At this point the blanket is still portable, too, so I don't get bored while waiting for appointments. I've crocheted as long as I can remember but I have to say that knitting is more fun.

  3. Good on you Dee! Actually your blanket is very like blankets made by my husband's grandmother from wool unravelled from old jumpers in harder times. She made quite a few and they are loved and admired still. I made one for the bed of my dolls house boy... so knitting may be your way back to mini-ing. :~)


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