Monday, October 4, 2010

Sorry I've been away for so long

I have been working on the boarding house. We're still having internet issues at home but I should be getting a call today from the phone company to see if we're eligible for their DSL. Still have crossed fingers and toes, lol.

Since the boarders' rooms are so large I decided to give both of them comfy chairs for those times when they just want to be alone. Sandy has a matching ottoman. Looks like her kitten thinks it's the perfect spot for a nap.
I added mirrors to the back of these shelves/sconces. The mirrors were cut from mirrored poster board left over from the saloon.

This is George Peterson. He's sold as the father in a pioneer family set of dolls but I got him separately. I changed his vest and tie but the originals are in his armoire. George got a black leather wing chair. The leather I used for this was way too thick - it worked but it was difficult to work with. I wanted to use up what I have on hand before purchasing more.

We may have found a home for the boarding house. I'm kind of afraid to try moving it there but it's a possibility - on top of the entertainment center. I'll keep you posted.

Have a great week everyone!


  1. I hope your bording house finds a good spot. I have really enjoyed following this and you have really done a great job of every room and the people in it make it come to life. (As well as the stories of each one.)


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