Tuesday, December 14, 2010

A bit of the Christmas spirit at my house

This is one of the first things you see when you step into my home. The milk can was painted by my MIL and was a Christmas gift one year. I filled it with greenery cut from our yard.
This little tree is decorated with glass balls - some vintage and some new. The small red one with white flocking on the right was on my husband's family tree when he was a child. This tree sits in the bay window in the living room.
This display is some of my favorite Christmas photos of my children, including their first photos with Santa.
My mom and I made this advent calendar when my children were little. You add an tree, person, animal, etc. per day until Christmas. The 25th is baby Jesus.
This boot was my stocking when I was young. Mom decoupaged bits of old Christmas cards (we chose the pictures) onto cardboard Santa boots.

These are a few of my favorite Christmas decorations. More coming!

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