Saturday, December 25, 2010

Good morning and Merry Christmas!

I just wanted to stop in and wish all of my friends in blogland a joyous and blessed Christmas. May your day be filled with love, laughter and loved ones as we celebrate the birth of the Savior. I also wanted to share a few of the gifts my wonderful family presented to me this morning. From my children I received a lovely hand knit scarf and a basket filled with hand care items, a wide based travel mug from my alma mater (I was constantly spilling my tall mugs while crafting, lol), and a beautiful day planner.
My hubby has a tradition of putting Christmas earrings and socks in my stocking. The reindeer earrings are so funny!
This box is overflowing with goodies for mini-ing. I got tools and hutches and clay and molds and wire and glitter and glue...I'm sure there's more. Hubby is so good at coming up with fun supplies each year.
I also got two miniatures I'd been admiring. This changing table looks just like the one we had for our children and looks perfect in our mini house.
We had a red step stool just like this when I was a child. We usually sat on it when Mom trimmed our hair - just like my baby brother is doing here.

We had so much fun this morning with our children and last night with hubby's family. Today we'll be travelling to my Mom's.

Again, I wish you all the happiest of holidays!

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