Saturday, January 15, 2011

Doing everything by half

I've asked hubby for the half scale bungalow for my birthday coming up early next month. I want to decorate it in Mission style. That would be a bit of a challenge for me in 1:12 scale. Here's my first chair. I'm actually quite happy with it. There are some flaws but I won't point them out. ;) I have a one inch scale pattern so I just cut all the measurements in half. One piece of furniture down for a five room house...


  1. Yay! A Stickley!
    I love it. You must LIKE measuring. I hate it. Everything here is "approximate" by a football field! lol.
    So cute. One down, how much to go? ;)

  2. Perfect! I've been wanting to do a Craftsman bungalow too. You've done a great job with your first chair!

  3. I just found a link to a craftsman house.

    Hope it works. Great ideas there!

  4. Thank you! I'll be checking out that link, Kathi. I tried to find some mini craftsman style houses and couldn't.

  5. I just love that half scale bungalow- It will be very fun to watch you decorate it! I love your first chair- fantastic job!


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