Friday, January 14, 2011

Happy Friday!

It's a beautiful day with more snow predicted for this evening. I'm enjoying a cup of tea before I start my morning workout. I'm slowly getting back into the mini routine now that the holidays are over. Unfortunately, my newest creations are for a swap so I can't share them with you yet. I hope to spend some time this afternoon making minis that I can share. Stay tuned!

I've been drooling over my latest Hobby Builders Supply catalog. I really like the Real Good Toys bungalow - it's one of my favorite real life architectural styles. I just don't have room for another large dollhouse though. I was really excited to see the bungalow in half scale now. My head is filled with visions of mini Arts & Craft style bits of furniture...I have a birthday coming up soon. Maybe the little bungalow will find it's way here. :)


  1. Oh my gosh, I drooled the very same drool! I might have to save my pennies, cause I really liked it since I first layed eyes on it. Since it's 1/2 scale, I'm sure I can jam in it somewhere right? Maybe it would like nice on top of the fridge haha.

  2. That bungalow is definitely drool-worthy. Arts and Crafts style HAS to be my own favorite.

    Your snow picture in the header makes me want to go for a nice long walk. . . PEACE!

    Here in Louisiana, we've got King Cakes in the oven!

    Happy Weekend!

  3. I'm hoping HBS runs their half off sale on dollhouses again soon. If they do that bungalow is mine, lol.

  4. Oh, and April, the picture in my header is my driveway last winter. It's one of my favorite photos.


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