Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Late night project

The dogs decided to go out last night just as I was ready for bed. They were out a long time. Long enough for me to start a new project...then I didn't want to stop even after they did come in. So it was a late night but look how cute the fireplace is! The basic framework is the cut down lid of an individual chocolate box. You know, one of those that holds 3 pieces? I painted that with a coat of hippo gray and then started tearing tiny little stones from egg carton and some tan packing material. I first trimmed around the opening with mitered strips from the egg carton and then just started gluing pieces of the cartons in place. I highlighted some of the "stones" with paint - hippo gray, pale pink and pale peach. I made the base and back with some of the packing carton and made a mantel from the egg carton. Once everything was dry I painted on some acrylic sealer and laid some twigs (large branches in half scale) in place ready for a fire.
Here's how it looks with the rest of the living room stuff. Once it's actually in the living room I may extend the chimney from the mantel to the ceiling with more of the carton stone since there isn't an exterior chimney, just the one on the roof. I'm not sure yet.


  1. The fireplace is really cute :)

  2. wow, just wow...that's a great fireplace

    you're so creative!


  3. Thank you both! This was a fun and easy project. Plus it didn't take long. Almost instant gratification. ;-)

  4. I LOVE that fireplace- wish I had one just like it in my real house :)


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