Thursday, January 6, 2011

Snow - inside and out!

I don't have photos of the "out" but we have gotten a bit of snow with more to come. Yay! As for the "inside" I painted this sign a few days ago to add to my snowman collection. It's a nice backdrop for the shelf and was fun to do.
Another addition to the collection came from a surprise source. I bought a new box of Red Rose Tea and they always have little figurines in the boxes. I was so excited to find a little snowman! My son thought my reaction was a bit extreme but I was happy, lol. He's sitting on the ledge over my kitchen range between a cute little metal cone shaped snowman (a gift from a former student) and an antique butter press (for making individual pats of butter imprinted with a design.)


  1. Sweet! Do you make butter?
    You are so talented with a paintbrush-love the sign. I think I would squeal with delight over a snowman in a box of tea--unless he had melted, of course. ;)

    Glad you got snow!

  2. Thank you, April. I don't make butter although I'd like to try sometime. The butter press was my dad's. He loved auctions and you never knew what he'd find in one of his boxes. :)


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