Monday, February 7, 2011

Ally's home!

She arrived today. She came with very pale blonde hair and no facial features painted on. I "colored" her hair and gave her eyeballs and eye brows. I also painted the detail on her watch and gave both Ally and Ben wedding bands.

My wood trim strips for the bungalow also arrived today and the house has been shipped. It really might arrive for my birthday.

I'm glad I had all those good things happen today. I spent the afternoon in the ER with hubby who's been having chest pains. About 6 months ago he had a complete cardiac workup but the pains are getting worse. The stress at work has also dramatically increased so that could be a major factor. Anyway, all test results at the hospital today came back in normal range so he got to come home. Tomorrow we'll try to get him an appointment with the cardiologist.


  1. I hope your hubby continues to be well--will say a prayer for the two of you, as that stress thing tends to be contagious!
    And, just so you know, Alli is MY BEST FRIEND's name!
    Too sweet.

    Take good care!

  2. De! I hope your hubby has a positive appointment with the cardiologist- very scary! Stress can do awful things to the body :( Ally is very sweet- I like her hair dark :)

  3. Thank you!

    April, any other names I should know about, lol? They may end up with a pet, too... ;-)


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