Monday, February 28, 2011

Let's Celebrate!

I promised a give away for my 2nd blog anniversary. I've also now reached nearly 250 followers. Woo hoo!

The prize is still a surprise but the rules for the give away are as follows:

1. You must be a follower of my blog as of February 28, 2011 - today.
2. You need to leave a comment on this post telling me whether you prefer 1:12 scale or 1:24 scale. The prize will be in the preferred scale of the winner.

That's it - simple rules. I will announce the winner on Monday, March 14th.

Good luck!


  1. Is it bad luck to comment first?
    Ah, well.
    Good for you on the 250 mark! Wow!
    I have a new 1:12 house I NEED to do something with . . .
    Happy Monday to you!

  2. Felicidades por tu segundo cumpleblog y por los ya casi 250 seguidores. Me encantarĂ­a participar en tu sorteo y de paso aprovecho para invitarte a participar en el de mi blog.

  3. De, You are smart. You gave yourself more time than I did on my giveaway.LOL Good going! If I win, I would go for 1:12 scale.

  4. Goodie goodie goodie! A give-a-way!
    Congratulations on all of your followers!

    I like 1:12 scale best but I do have a 1:24 scale house that's still in the box.

    Thank you for offering us a chance to win something! Wonder what it will be? :D

  5. Congratulations, De. I love your blog. I think whatever your giveaway will be, it will be very nice.
    I also prefer 1:12 over 1:24. Although I am considering a new kit!

  6. De, I have been lucky with your blog, I wonder if luck kiss me again?
    If I win I'd like the 1:12 scale. thanks!

  7. Congratulations on your followers!
    I've really enjoyed looking at your blog!I believe my words when I first saw your minis were, "She MADE that?!?!?!Wow!" I prefer 1:24 :)
    ~Catie D.

  8. Congratulations on 250! What an amazing blog! Thank you for sharing all your pretty handiwork with us! I look forward to seeing your blog daily! I would like 1:12

    Love Mindy

  9. Keep up the great job you are doing with your blog and congratulations on reaching the 2 year mark. I love reading about miniatures and what other people make and collect. My preferred scale is 1/24th.

  10. I prefer 1/12 scale with your giveaway, I have been a follower for ages.

  11. Congratulations on your 250 followers and thanks for your wonderful giveaway. I would want the 1:24 one if it happens that I win. Hugs

  12. WOW congratulation on your second year in the blogland! Your minis make me crazy.I prefer 1:12 scale and I would love to participate in your surprise giveaway and I invited you to participate in my little giveaway too, mini regards.

  13. Oh, how exciting! Congratulations on reaching 250 followers. It's been a pleasure following your blog! 1:12 scale for me... thanks for this opportunity!

    Mini hugs,

  14. Congratulations on your followers!
    I would like to participate in your giveaway and I prefer 1:12 scale.
    I put your link on my blog

  15. Congrats De!! On both your followers and your blogaversary! How exciting - I do everything in 1:12 scale so far lol - smaller than that and my head will explode. hugs, ara

  16. Concratulations on your blog birthday and 250 followers, I would like to enter the giveaway

  17. Congratulations on your 2 years of blogging, time sure flies when you're having fun. It's great to follow your progress :o)
    I'd love to be counted in and I'll post a link on my blog.
    And now for a little dance... let's blog again, like we did last again, like we did last year, tralalalaaaa.
    Huge mini hug!

  18. Felicidades por los seguidores, seria un honor participar en tu sorteo. Yo uso la escala 1:12, y me encantara la sorpresa que nos tienes preparada. Un saludo. Carmen

  19. I love your work so I'll say 1:12 scale *Im so very bad at trying to figure out scales*


  20. Hello !!!!
    I do love your art with miniatures, thanks for sharing your talent,
    it's always a pleasure for me to visit your blog !
    Keep on with the good work!!
    I have a 1/12th dollhouse under construccion.
    Have a nice day!!
    Beatriz Martin

  21. Hi,
    Maybe I'm late to participate in your give away... if not I would like the 1:24 scale.
    You are in time to my give away:

  22. Congratulations on 250 followers. I am glad that I have been one of them since the beginning as I love your work. Please enter me in your draw and I would choose the 1/12 size if I won.

  23. Enhorabuena por tus 250 seguidores.
    Me encantaria participar en tu sorteo y poder conseguir esa sorpresa.
    Yo de momento solo me atrevo a hacer miniaturas 1 /12.
    besitos ascension

  24. Congrats,I would like to participate!

  25. Congratulation De, please enter me in your giveaway, I would like 1:12 if I am lucky enough to win :-)

  26. Congratulations on your followers!
    I prefer 1:12 scale ,please count me in for the giveaway,i put your link in my blog !

  27. Congrats De! I thought I had entered, glad I checked :) I prefer 1/12 scale because I can see it easier LOL. You have a wonderful blog and always have a great project going.

    Victoria ❤


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