Sunday, March 6, 2011

Day 1

The wall house "spoke" to me today. It will become a mini representation of my inlaws' home. There is still much to do to the exterior before I even begin on the rooms but I did make a lot of progress today. The shingles will be dark gray and there will be stonework up to the bottom edge of the lower windows. The real house has an enclosed porch with lower stone walls on the front and the only door on the porch is a metal screen door. I'll be just be giving the illusion by putting stones at the base. The house already looks so much better. I like the dimension and texture of the shingles and the stones on the chimneys.

Tomorrow is another thrift store shopping day with DD so I won't be working on the wall house. I'll post progress once I make more, :).

Have a wonderful week!


  1. what a transformation! it's adorable!

    wish I was going thrift store-ing tomorrow. :)
    have FUN!

  2. it does look great already- I can't wait to see more! Will you be giving it to your in-laws when you are finished? Have fun thrifting with your daughter De- makes me homesick for my own Mom!

  3. Thank you!
    Kim, I will probably keep it. My MIL is older and trying to reduce clutter but I know hubby will treasure it.

    Most of the stores we intended to visit are closed on Mondays, :(. We will try again on Wednesday.


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