Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I will get back to minis soon

My middle daughter is home on spring break this week so I'm not having a lot of time to mini. What time I do have has been spent on a series of nursery commissions for an etsy customer.

I'm in need of some inspiration for new minis. Does anyone have any ideas for things you've wanted in mini but haven't seen? I need a new challenge, lol.

I hope you are all having a wonderful week!


  1. Hi De! I just wanted to say that I received your package and thank you so much! I am so glad I won your giveaway! Your couch and table will be perfect in my Bentley Manor! I wish you a wonderful spring break and will let you know if I think of anything! hugs, ara

  2. What about a miniature dollhouse workshop? Somewhere where friends meet and work on projects together... but in mini of course:) Not sure if that's the kind of idea you wanted, it was just the first thing that came to mind:)

  3. I'm so glad the package arrived safely, Ara, and that you like it. :) I can't wait to see the pieces in Bentley Manor.

    Thanks for the idea, Katie. Can I find a place like that in real life? :)


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