Monday, April 25, 2011

Better, I think...

Thank you all so much for your concern and encouragement. I spoke to my son's school counselor - she's a very special lady who's been the go-between for each of our children - and she clarified the principal's instructions. She said the principal often comes across much more strongly than she intends and even the counselor had to ask questions to figure out what my son was allowed to do. It isn't as bad as it first sounded and I'm hopeful we're going to work out the last of the issues by tomorrow.

Some days just take too much effort...:)


  1. Kim, I just got home and read this and the previous post. I am amazed that a principal would take this kind of stand against a child with health problems. If the child is the one doing everything to get the education, they shoud be willing to help him as much a possible! Good luck with your quest!

  2. Glad it looks brighter now.
    I do think the principal needs to take a look at her own performance. One of her jobs is to fascilitate contact and understanding between parents and the school, in order to get the best results for and from her students. This was not the best way to get there. (As the chairperson of my son's PTA, this is something I have addressed at our school as well).

    Good luck tomorrow!

  3. Big Hugs to you all De. I'm happy to see this might smooth over to some degree at least :/ Keeping you in my thoughts, keep us posted

  4. Thank you all. It's been a frustrating school year all the way around. To be honest, I tried to get my son to just get his GED after this year so he'd "graduate" with his classmates but to his credit he wants to go back and finish for a real degree. The mom job is that awkward place in the middle - push your child to work just a bit harder and push the administration to work with the disability. My son has the added difficulty of having ADD - which wasn't diagnosed until the beginning of this school year! There were several teachers in his younger years who just let the ball drop on that one. He's never been hyperactive- he just has difficulty concentrating-so no symptoms at home for me to catch.

    He's incredibly bright - just gotta get him through high school and start the college process. We've learned from his older sister, though, that only colleges with a real disabilities department should be considered.

    Anyway, I'm sorry to drag you all down today but you have all been so wonderful. Thank you!

  5. De, I must apologise for calling you Kim in the first comment!LOL. I had just read what Kim said and,with my head in the clouds as usual,I just wrote her name in the beginning. Sorry about that. I do hope that everything goes ok for you and yours.

  6. No problem, Casey. I knew who you meant, :).

    If my son makes the right decision today I think we're on the right track with the principal.


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