Thursday, April 7, 2011

Easter in the bridge garden

It looks like the girls have finished their Easter egg hunt and now are just enjoying the beautiful spring weather in the garden. I hope spring has sprung wherever you are, too. :)


  1. So cute De! We are finally getting into the 50's here and it feels so wonderful! Even my chickens are so happy to be able to get outside and stretch their legs :)

  2. Sweet girls! Are they modeled after your own children?
    I need to get my miniature gardener to update her "display" on my kitchen countertop. :)
    Happy Springtime!

  3. Thank you!

    Kim, we're finally in the 50s too. Winter didn't want to let go this year.

    April, they weren't intentionally modeled after my girls (they are redressed dollar store purchases.) However, they could be my daughters at that age, lol. The hair colors are right.


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