Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Late Mother's Day Gift

My oldest got me a new supply of Michael's hutches yesterday. They only had two styles but all of them are versatile.

I spent time working on a new swap with a pub theme. I'm really happy with my results but I can't share until next month. There will be photos then, I promise!


  1. I still have a bunch of my Michael's Hutches. They really are versatile.

  2. Whooo hoooo! Good for you! My Michaels only had one hutch left. I bought it, just because...
    Great Mother's Day gift!

  3. Que buena compra! Esperamos las fotos del intercambio "pub"
    Un abrazo

  4. Looking forward to pics from the swap! How can one get involved in such a swap? :) I have been hoping to do some mini swaps to get motivated to do some crafting.

  5. my Michaels ran out of them :(

  6. I did comment on this before, but poor blogger lost it.

  7. What a thoughtful gift. I finally was able to get some hutches a couple of weeks ago, they have been hard to find lately. I look forward to seeing what you do with your new supply.


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