Monday, August 29, 2011

Wear and tear

Last night I was looking through photos of Johnson's Boarding House and one thing popped out at me - everything looked too shiny and new for a post war boarding house. So I got out the sandpaper and started adding some wear and tear. The floors especially were too new looking but the sandpaper helped solve that problem. I also added some chips to the enamel cabinet that Harriet is working at.
The living room tables got the sandpaper treatment, too. I didn't want them to look beat up, just well used. I left the dining set alone, though, on the presumption that the family ate in the kitchen when the children were young so the dining room has only been really used since the boarding house opened.
The foyer floor and the newel post show some use now.
I even sanded the leather wing chair at the head, seat and arms.
This isn't wear and tear but Harriet got a new (and final!) bedspread. I think this fabric looks like chenille so I had to use it. :) I made the linens from an old lace edged hankie.

I just made subtle changes but they made a big difference in telling the "story" of the house.

Off to find a new project! Have a great day!


  1. I love when minis look used and worn- it really does contribute so much to the story too. Great additions De- loving the new and final bedspread :)

  2. I love your "reality" touches. It makes the place look lived in. Great job.

  3. Thank you all, so much. Your opinions mean a lot to me. :)

  4. De, es todo precioso, un lugar muy acogedor. He visto que tu aparador tiene los mismos colores que el de mi cocina :-) Ya te puedes imaginar que me encanta :-)
    Un beso.

  5. De, fabulous and I agree, that bed spread does look like chenille. :)

    Wear and tear adds to authenticity.

  6. Thank you both so much.

    Dale, thanks for seconding my opinion about the 'chenille'. You have enough experience with fabrics that I really value your opinion.

  7. Do you have more of that fabric, De?

    'Cause, if I were you, I'd be making things out of it. It would be great for 30's and 40's houses, don't you think? Or do I have the time period wrong? lol

    Thank you for the compliment dear! I'm always on the look out for, this looks like.... ;)

  8. I do have a bit more of the fabric, Dale. What types of things were you thinking? Pillows probably but what else would be made from chenille? The fabric is really stiff - unlike real chenille. I had to use pins to get "natural" drape.

  9. De, my number one thought is of course, always pillows, as I am the pillow queen! ;)

    Next, I would think bedspreads. :)

  10. I don't think there's enough for another bedspread but I can get some pillows out of it. It was just a scrap of fabric I pulled out the round robin mini swap box that I do with some friends. You take out what you like and put in the stuff you want to get rid of. Very fun and I've gotten a lot of cool things from it.

  11. I am really enjoying spending almost all of my "down time" reading your blog. I realize I have over six years to go, but trust me, I have been taking notes as I go. Thanks again for sharing so much of your talent with the rest of the world! I am only among many when I follow with interest--just perhaps one of the slowest to come to it, lol.


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