Thursday, September 22, 2011

I can't believe I did it!

I really wanted to have a mandolin for the castle but I didn't want to spend a lot of money and I wasn't sure I could make one. Today I decided to sort through my miscellaneous wood pieces to see if I had something I could use as a starting point. I was very excited to find a piece that looked like half of a wooden ball with a hole in the center of the large side. That had real possibilities. I got out the Dremel and sanded the ball into more of a teardrop shape like a mandolin. I added a skinny stick, some beads, pins, thread, paint and bits of cardstock and ended up with something that looks a lot like a mandolin. :)
Ariana likes it and she plays quite well.

Poke the pictures to see more detail.


  1. De, the mandolin is fantastic! =)

  2. The castle is coming along so quickly! Great job!

  3. Love that little mandolin. It's all those little touches that make your miniature scenes so complete!

  4. Your mandolin is very nice. Ariana likes it and this is what's important.

  5. Awesome job on that Mandolin. You have done a great job on the castle so far and I love catching up on the next days creations! Keep them coming.

  6. Love it! I've been having so much fun watching you build your castle De :)

  7. Thanks, everyone! Your feedback means a lot to me. Thanks for taking the time to leave it. :)


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