Monday, September 12, 2011

It doesn't look like much now...

...but give me some time and I promise this will look like a castle. :) I know how I want to do the transformation but I don't have everything I need yet.
I was hoping to find a used shelf at one of the many thrift shops I visited today but there weren't any. I did, however, find some other good things. The dried greenery will be "growing" up the side of the castle. The embossed earrings and pendant will be shields. The pink and gold footed dish will be used somehow. I just like it. And, the two suits of armor are extremely under scale but on clearance and cool so I'll use them anyway. :) I was gone all day and still didn't find what I need for my daughter so will have to go out again this week. But I had fun searching out the little things I can repurpose for my castle.

Hope you all had a great day, too!


  1. love the idea of the earrings as shields! Looking forward to watching this castle project!

  2. I love you knights in armour, very cute. I look forward to seeing your castle come togrther.

  3. Thank you! I'm looking forward to getting this started in earnest!

  4. That is a super idea for those closet organizers. There are so many you could use for structures. Thanks for sharing De!

  5. Thanks, April. And at only $13 it's a real bargain. I figure if I start with one unit and then decide I want to expand the castle it won't be too difficult to add another unit, either. Some of the cubby style organizers have perfectly sized rooms. I just couldn't spend that much right now but they have real possibilities.

  6. It's going to be such a fun project! I love the beautiful (Redhead)princess--and that little pink dish is identical to one I have that just makes me smile. Can't wait to see what you do with it.
    I'm enjoying catching up on your "little" projects!


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