Tuesday, September 27, 2011

It's amazing what a little paint can do

I found a "honey brown" paint today and my deer is much improved. I really like the way he turned out.

I visited the library today to confirm that I will be doing a large display of dollhouses and room boxes for October - National Dollhouse and Miniatures Month in the US. It's going to be a lot of work to get everything moved but I'm very excited. There will even be a write up in our local newspaper. I'm mostly taking room boxes but I am going to take the castle and the pioneer log cabin. Later in October I will take Santa's house, Wanda the witch's kitchen and the Thanksgiving cornucopia to set up in the children's wing of the library. Santa will probably stay through December.


  1. Hi De, it's a long time since I do not write comments on your blog, but I always read you ... and this time you really surprised me! I can not avoid doing my best compliments for your castle, which every day becomes more and more beautiful!
    I see that you love what you do! :))
    mini hugs from Italy!

  2. Thank you so much for your very kind words. I do love what I do!

  3. Congratulations De on the exhibit at the library! WOOHOO!!! Make sure you show us a copy of the write-up when you get it.

    Love the brown on the deer. Color is now perfect! Keep up the great work.

  4. Thank you, Dale. The library exhibit is going to be great. The strange part will be having so much of my collection gone for that long. :)

    As far as the deer goes, I looked up photos of real mounted deer. Don't know why I didn't start there, lol. Anyway, it made a huge difference and I'm really pleased with him now.

  5. De, I finally figured out I can go to your blog from mine! lol
    I love love your castle! There are so many cute details...wow! I changed the background on my blog but haven't posted much.

  6. Thanks, Roxy. I saw your new background - it's cute.


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