Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Time for a castle?

A couple of times ago when the Round Robin swap box came my way, I found a solid brass unicorn in it. I wasn't sure what I would do with it but it said "keep me" so I did. ;) Yesterday I painted it (3 coats of Gesso, 1 coat of oyster paint over all, accent colors added, sealed with matte sealer.) I love how it turned out. I think I want to make a princess to ride on him or maybe make a castle tower and have the unicorn at the base. Ideas are still forming but, oh, the possibilities. :D


  1. WoW!! The unicorn looks like it's made of ceramic. Your have done a great job. It deserves a princess, no doubt.
    A mini hug

  2. Great job with the painting of the unicorn! Princess Ariana is very cute!

  3. Wow! That was brass? Amazing transformation. I love how THIS started the whole castle project--and I agree with your *next* post in the series, that you NEED a grumpy old wizard mixing up something in a grungy basement-type area. :)


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