Monday, October 17, 2011

It's beginning to look a lot like...Thanksgiving

I've posted photos of the cornucopia room I made for myself but this one was made for my mother-in-law. I also made one for my mom but forgot to take pictures before I gave it to her. For both of theirs I found cornucopias with an extended front. That enabled me to put chairs at the table which I didn't have room to do in mine. Dinner is a traditional Thanksgiving meal - turkey with stuffing, sweet potatoes, tossed salad, mashed potatoes, jello, pumpkin pie, green beans and cranberry sauce.
I didn't make the rug or the jello (jello by Gaye of My Small Obsession) and the photo over the buffet was taken by my friend, Tina.

The turkey and pie serving dishes are jewelry findings. The sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes and green beans are in buttons that look like bowls. The salad bowl is cut from a water bottle lid. I made the bowl for the stuffing from polymer clay.

Both moms were very happy with their little rooms. I love being able to share minis. :)

Oh, and I stopped by the library today. The miniature display is very popular. Even the librarians all have their favorites. :)

Have a wonderful week everyone!


  1. These are so sweet and PRETTY! It would add to the fun of holidays to pull a tiny mini-memory out to decorate every year.
    Great idea!

  2. Glad your displays are a hit, I knew they would be. That is a great idea to use a cornucopia to display Thanksgiving dinner. I get so many neat ideas from visiting here. Cheers! LJ

  3. They are so sweet-I bet both ladies loved them. I knew your display at the library would be a hit- I think minis fascinate almost everyone. Even my hubby makes a mini here and there-and he always has the best advice for me on making minis. I think I love your minis the most because you use common things you already have- I always am so inspired by visiting you De :)

  4. Kim, that's so sweet. Thank you!

  5. love your "mini world" and it's wonderful to read and see what you share on your blog. There for I would like to award you with the "Liebster Award". If you want to read what it is about.
    Have a wonderful day


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