Thursday, January 5, 2012

Happy New Year!

It's been a bit crazy here with kids home from college, holiday get togethers, and our internet at maximum usage level. That's why I've been gone. We did have a lovely Christmas and a fun New Year's Eve with family.

Life is returning slowly to "normal", whatever that is, lol. The Christmas decorations are packed away for another year and my snowman collection is out for the winter. I packed away my little Christmas village but while putting away the decorations I found a box of my girls' old Polly Pocket houses. I used them one year for a little village but they were all in unrealistic pastel colors. My daughters gave me permission to paint them and here's the result. They are my current centerpiece for the winter.


  1. Wow, I had no clue those were polly pocket until I read through your post. I was just thinking, gee those are some cute little Christmas houses, I bet she made them.

  2. Happy new year to you and yours!!
    Bye Faby


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