Monday, January 16, 2012

I'm still here

After what seems like a long dry spell, I'm finally finding some time to make minis again. My current project will be listed in my zibbet shop soon - as soon as the paint dries. The glass paint is taking a long time as it is inside some tiny jars. I've done a "canning cherry pie filling" prep counter. I'm still thinking about how to make a water bath canner to go with the scene. Pictures will come when everything has finally dried.

Also, once I hit 350 followers there will be another give-away. I'm still thinking about what the prize will be but I'm leaning towards one of my dolls. Would you prefer an already made doll of my choice or the opportunity to choose characteristics like sex, clothing style, etc. if you were to win the prize? The wait would be a bit longer if the winner chooses but the doll would be personalized to fit a specific scene. Just comment here to let me know your opinion. That won't enter you in the give-away yet. I'm just gathering information at this point. :-)


  1. Oooh a giveaway! We all love those! hehe

    I think a personalized doll would be awesome, if you have the time to do it. :)


  2. Thanks for your input, Sandi. I think a personalized doll would be fun to make. Now we just have to wait for the 350 mark. :-)

  3. I agree with Sandi but if I won I would want that poor doll who's fiancee is missing in the War (Im sort of like Charlene from Designing Women I like WWII stuff but not the bad parts)

    Hope you get to 350

    Marisa :)


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