Sunday, February 26, 2012

350 Followers and a Blog Anniversary!

February marks the third year of De-Lightful Minis and I logged on to find the 350th follower. So it's time for the giveaway. The prize is a custom made doll - the winner will give me a description of the type of doll she/he would like and I will do my best to create her/his vision.

The rules are as follows:
1. You must be a follower of this blog as of today, February 26, 2012.
2. You must leave a comment on this post. If you like, tell me your favorite project on this blog and you will get 2 entries in the drawing. If you give me a link or email me a photo of your version of one of my projects you can also get another entry.
3. The winner will be drawn on Sunday, March 18, 2012.

Good luck everyone! This prize is going to be fun!


  1. Congratulations on your 350 followers.
    Please, count me in your giveaway. I put the link on my blog.
    Bye Faby

  2. How exciting! I love give-a-ways! It's about time I had one myself! LOL

    My favorite post is from way back in December 2009! Your chenille Christmas tree tutorial!

    I can't find mine and I don't think it turned out anything like yours, but I tried! Your tutorial was great. My fumbly fingers just didn't quite get it! :D

    Thanks for the opportunity to win one of your goodies! Please count me IN!

  3. que divertido, puedes contar conmigo?

  4. What an exciting giveaway! I would love to enter.

    I think my favorite project is the tutorial for the small wall fountain. :) It is simple and I love the result. :)

  5. Hi De and congrats on such a huge fave post is the garage sale - teacup garden...such a novel idea and gorgeous gift for someone. Clever girl! J x

  6. Congratulations both for your blog's anniversary and for your 350 followers. Please count me in. I love your tutorials, especially the ones using recycled materials.
    I'll put your link on my blog.
    Thanks and a hug

  7. Please enter me into your give away, I loved your christmas tree tutorial,but mine did not end up looking like yours.

  8. Hello! I am one of your old followers!!
    I like the post of 6 october 2010 about the chair.
    Thanks for this opportunity. I put your link on my blog.
    kisses from Italy

  9. Congratulations on 350 followers and your 3rd Birthday. Please count me in your wonderful giveaway. I put the link on my blog.
    Hugs Maria

  10. Please enter me in your give-away I would love to have one of your dolls. I really liked the castle, but I think my favorite postings were the ones about moving your houses to display at the library.

  11. that's easy my favorite project was the dresser made out of a soap box and my second favorite was the table made out of a pringles lid.

    Marisa :)

  12. Me gustaría participar en tu srteo,por favor cuenta conmigo, gracias, un abrazo Ana (mucuy)

  13. Enhorabuena por tus seguidores.
    Me encantan tus tutoriales.
    Me encantaria participar en tu sorteo.
    Subo el aviso a mi blog.
    besitos ascension

  14. Hola De, que sorteo mas divertido, me encantaria participar en tu sorteo, lo pongo en mi blog, me encanta tu post sobre las minicasas, son preciosas, un beso.

  15. Congratulations on your over three hundred fifty followers and three year anniversary! :)

  16. You no longer have the option to follow with follow up comments. :(

  17. congratulations on your 350 followers!

  18. Hi, Greetings from Brazil!

    I really like your work and your tutorials are very inspirational.
    Congrats for the great job.

  19. Felicidades por tus seguidores!! me gustaría participar en tu sorteo, te anuncio en mi blog.
    Besos de las Malu´s.

  20. Your blog is lovelly! I would like to participate in your giveaway.

  21. Wow! You reached 350 quickly! My favorite project has to be the castle-there were so many fun things in that!
    I also loved the little sewing stand you did.

  22. Congratulations!!! I would love to take part in your giveaway.

  23. Felicidades por tus seguidores, estaré encantada de participar en tu sorteo :)

  24. Congratulations!

    I think my favorite post is actually the series of posts you did about the "Miniaturist's Craft Room".


  25. Congratulations to your 350 followers. My favorit is the recycled table.
    Please count me in. I put a link to my sidebar.
    Hugs from Craftland

  26. te felicito x tus 350 seguidores me anoto para el sorteo te dejo mi correo es gracias

  27. Gefeliciteerd met 350 volgers, wil graag meedoen met je giveaway.
    groetjes doortje

  28. Congratulations on your + 350 followers and blog anniversary (^^)

    I'd love to take part in your giveaway - so I hope you count me in.

    I love your tutorials, but I think Wanda's kitchen is still one on my "all time" favorites ^^

    I'll put a link to my sidebar.

    MiniHugs, Irina

  29. Hola De, felicidades por tus primeros 358 seguidores, me puedes anotar por favor en tu sorteo? lo anuncio en mi blog
    Un abrazo


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